You hate to ask...but you need to know!
One Price
No packages, no hidden costs. To have me at your wedding as your Wedding Butler will cost you £450.
Included in that is my services "all day" - from prep to first dance, which usually means that I will arrive at your venue an hour or two before the ceremony and be with right through to your first dance - which I always watch!
Included in that is my services "all day" - from prep to first dance, which usually means that I will arrive at your venue an hour or two before the ceremony and be with right through to your first dance - which I always watch!
Midweek Weddings
With the average price of a wedding now in excess of £20k and everyone feeling the pinch, I know that a lot of couples are looking at getting married outside those peak days of Friday to Saturday. We all want to get the absolute best value for our money. I'm confident that I'm already great value, but for those getting married on Monday - Thursday I offer a savvy saver rate of £375
Multi-day Multi-Venue
More than one day? No problem. If you are hosting a gathering at home, or a post big day barbecue and want to some extra help I'm absolutely there for you. Price will be according to what YOU want and will be at a rate favourable to you!